My Journey Towards Writing

Romana Qureshi
2 min readAug 21, 2020

Writing liberates you, it defines you and to some extent, it can heal you.

“Ask a writer what he/she loves to write, there may be a majority saying that anything they come across and what touches their heart in either way good or bad they would enjoy writing”

I always enjoyed reading and loved the different style of writing adopted by writers. It only took a pandemic for me to realize that I too, could try my hands on writing.

Having all the thoughts run in my mind now and then, I never knew where to get it out until I came across an advertisement on social media on Content Writing. Getting into writing was never a thought that crossed my mind before. The advertisement looked appealing to me and given the current situation of lockdown I thought to give it a try. It was an online 6 Days workshop on Content writing by

To my surprise, the course proved beneficial for me as it sparked the writer in me. Creative thinking was something that I always enjoyed but putting them in writing is what I learned in these six days. Six tasks for Six days is what I was assigned to do. It included everything from generating an effective Title of the blog to the apt Conclusion.

I looked up to each day to learn something new in writing. The challenges that I faced didn’t trouble me a bit as I saw them as an opportunity to put forth my creative twist. Also, I believe there exists a creative thinker in all of us, it just requires a little push each day, and finally when we get a chance to showcase our skill don’t limit yourself.

So, writing is what I have found my solace in on difficult days!! You may find yours too in anything that you love to do. So go ahead and start doing that you enjoy the most!!

